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The high level data manipulation tool used by data scientists. It can be imported with the syntax import pandas as pd.

Creating a Pandas Dataframe

From Dictionaries

There are multiple ways to create a Pandas dataframe, the commonly used one is to create it from a dictionary by setting a key for every column label and a the value to be a list of observations of that label for each column. Then simply calling pd.DataFrame(dict) would create the data frame.

Assigning row labels

This can be done by using the syntax df.index = ['label1', 'label2', ... 'labeln'] for n observations that exist in the dataframe.

From Lists

If we are to create a DataFrame from two conforming lists that are defined as follows, we would need to use the list and zip functions.

labels = ['n1', 'n2']
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [4, 5, 6]
  1. We would first need to create a list of lists like list_columns = [x, y]
  2. Then we would need create a list after element-wise zipping of the columns with their labels, as shown in z = list(zip(labels, list_columns))
  3. This will now need to be converted into a dictionary which would have column names (labels) and columns (z) using data = dict(z)
  4. After this, we use the method defined above for dictionaries, i.e. pd.DataFrame(data) to create a DataFrame.


It is the concept of recycling from R, that is called broadcasting in Python. The idea is, that a particular value can be recycled and used to fill all the other observations, if unsuitable number of details have been provided.

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = {'n': x, 'is_int': 'Yes'}
z = pd.DataFrame(y)
would return a DataFrame with two columns, the column containing Yes thrice.

Reading and Importing Data

From CSVs

It is relatively straightforward to be reading data from CSVs. One can use pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv') in order to read from a file.

  1. No column labels: If the data does not have column labels, pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', header = None) will allow it to read data without it.
  2. External column names: External column names can be added to the data frame using the names argument, pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', header = None, names = list_of_names)
  3. Null value declaration: If our data uses any other convention than NaN for declaring null values in it, we can explicitly define it, by setting the na_values attritbute to that character pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', na_values = ['-1'])

    This can also be done if there are more than one kinds of NaN values present in the dataset using a list of values as shown in pd.read_csv('path.csv', na_values = ['-1', '999']) or using a dictionary as shown pd.read_csv('path.csv', na_values = {col1: '-1', col2: '999'}) if there are separate NaN characters in separate columns. 4. Assigning row labels: In case the first column of the csv contains row labels for the data, then use pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', index_col=0) for using the (row) labels for your dataframe. 5. Date values: If year, month and date are in separate columns and need to be converged into one column, it can be done using parse_dates argument of the read_csv() function, e.g. pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', parse_dates = [[1, 2, 3]]) where columns with indices would contain year, month and day data.

    Alternatively, we can parse the date-time values using parse_dates = True which would then convert all the dates that are ISO 8601 compatible (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss), into appropriate date structure.

  4. Handling comments: If the file contains comments within the data, they can be distinguished using the delimiter passed to the comment argument as shown in pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', comment='#')

  5. Delimiter: The delimiter in while reading a csv to a Pandas DataFrame object can be set using sep argument
  6. Skipping rows: Rows can be skipped while reading a csv file by using skiprows argument in combination with header argument.
  7. Skipping footer: Rows at the end of the file can be skipped using the skipfooter = n argument. This would skip the last n rows of the file. > NOTE: The skipfooter argument doesn't work with the default C Engine so we need to specify the engine = python when setting this parameter.

Chunkwise loading

In case of large datasets, data can be loaded and processed in chunks. It can be done with the help of for loop as in for chunk in pd.read_csv('path_to_csv.csv', chunksize = 1000).


The process of looking for file names with specific patterns, and loading them is called globbing.

import glob

pattern = '*.csv'
csv_files = glob.glob(pattern)

The code above, would return a list of files names, called csv_files. Then we can loop over this list to load all data frames. Concatenation can be used for merging all the datasets into one single dataset if required.

From URLs

Importing a csv from a web URL can be done with the UrlLib package as follows

from urllib.request import urlretrieve

urlretrieve('http://onlinefilepath', 'local_file_path.csv')

And then proceed with read_csv() function as usual.

From Excel

  1. Reading a file: A simple read operation over an Excel Spreadsheet can be executed by using x = pd.ExcelFile('filepath.xlsx').
  2. Listing sheets: There can be multiple sheets involved in any particular file and they can be listed by using the sheet_names attribute as print(x.sheet_names)
  3. Reading a particular sheet: It is done by passing the sheet name to the parse() method as shown in df_sheet = x.parse('sheet1')
  4. Custom Headers: One can define custom headers while parsing from an excel sheet by using the names() argument.

From HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version5)

This is data format commonly used for storing large quantities of numerical data in Python. This is done using the following code segment

import h5py
data = h5py.File("path_to_file.hdf5", "r")

You can explore the data object so obtained by using code similar to that required to explore a dictionary.

From Pickles

with open('file_path.pkl', 'rb') as file:
    data = pickle.load(file)

From SQL

  1. Creating a Database engine

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    engine = create_engine("path to sql db connector") 
    2. List Tables: This can be done using engine.table_names() method of engine object. 3. Connecting to the engine: This is done using the connect() method available with every sqlalchemy engine object. 4. Querying: There are two ways to query an SQL database and they are as follows: 1. The first one takes all of the above methods and works as follows:

    con = engine.connect()
    results = con.execute("SELECT * FROM table_name")
    df = pd.DataFrame(results.fetchall())
    df.columns = results.keys()
    This syntax is very similar to the **PHP** syntax for this operation. We create a connection, then execute the query and get returned a results binary object. We then use `fetchall()` method to convert it to a flat structure and store it in a pandas dataframe. Finally, we add the column names to the dataframe that we created and close the connection.
    1. The second method is much more concise and works just fine. It harnesses the power of Pandas library and works as follows:

      df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name", engine)

      This single line of code then executes the command and returns the results in form of a DataFrame.

  2. Fetch fewer rows: Sometimes the SQL query that we execute might return humongous results, then we can use the fetchmany() function with the size argument over the results object in order to fetch a certain number of rows instead of all.

Exporting Data

  1. csv: The method to_csv() for every DataFrame object allows us to export it to any file that we desire. It works as pd_df.to_csv('filename.csv').
  2. Excel: The method to_excel() for every DataFrame object allows us to export it to an excel spreadsheet file that we desire. It works as pd_df.to_csv('filename.xlsx').
  3. Numpy array: Any Pandas DataFrame can be converted into a Numpy array object using values attribute of every pandas dataframe object.

Selecting and Index Data

Column Selection

A column in a dataframe df may easily be selected using the syntax df["columnName"].

NOTE: The returned object from the code above is NOT a dataframe but an object of the type series. This may lead to unexpected results and therefore this method is not recommended.

There are two fixes for the problem mentioned above:

  1. The fix for the problem mentioned above is to use double square brackets like df[["columnName"]] for selecting the column. This would return a dataframe instead of a series as was the case in the method above.
  2. Use the values attribute for any Series object in order to retrieve the numerical values involved in form of a Numpy array.

Slicing for Row Selection

It is uncommon to use regular square brackets for row selection but it can be done using df[1:5] which would return the rows with indices 1 through 4 (because as always, the last index would not be included).

If alternative slicing methods are required then it can be achieved as pd_df[::3,:] would select every third row of the DataFrame.

Loc and iLoc

These are the two most commonly used methods (of Pandas Data Frame objects) for selecting or subsetting data. The loc technique operates on labels and the iloc technique relies on integer positions.

  1. loc: This method allows us to select certain rows based on labels as follows df.loc[["row_label1", "row_label2"]] would select the rows with these two labels.

    One trick for range of slicing is to use df.loc[["row_label2", "row_label1":-1]] for reverse slicing. It would select rows from row_label1 to row_label2 but in reverse order.

    Note: The use of [[ ]] is still necessary for making sure that the returned object is indeed a Pandas DataFrame in order to avoid any inconsistencies.

    WARNING: Unlike conventional slicing (with numbers) slicing with loc using 'column_name_1':'column_name_2' would include column_name_2 in the resulting object. This is different from the index based slicing as that ignores the last index.

    It can be further extended to include only specific columns using a comma, as in df.loc[["row_label1", "row_label2"], ["column_label1", "column_label2"]]. This query would only return the columns with labels column_label1 and column_label2.

  2. iloc: Everything remains the same except that indices are used instead of labels.


  1. any and all: any() or all() methods are helpful in filtering the columns that have certain properties. They're usually used in combination with isnull() or notnull() methods.
  2. Drop na: The dropna() method can be used on data frames to filter out rows with any or all na values based on the argument how='any' or how='all'.



A basic for loop would result in iteration over column names. For instance,

for i in pd_df:

would simply print the columns names that exist in the pandas dataframe pd_df.


The rows need to be iterated over using the method iterrows of the pandas dataframe object that we are trying to access.

for lab, row in pd_df.iterrows():

would then print, first the label, and then the contents of each row as a Series object.

Manipulating Dataframes

NOT COMPLETE: would need to visit more websites and research materials to complete manipulatio

  1. Adding a new column

    1. Single Value(loc): The operator loc can be used to add a new column to an existing dataframe.

      pd_df.loc["new_column"] = 2
      should create a new column names new_column in the pd_df dataframe with the value 2 on all rows. 2. Mutation(apply): pd_df["new_column"] = pd_df["old_column"].apply(len) would add a new column with the length of values present in currently existing old_column.

  2. Tidying Data

    1. Melting Dataframes: If columns contain values instead of variables, then we would need to use the melt() function. It can be used as

      pd.melt(    frame = df, 
                  id_vars = 'identifier_column', 
                  value_vars = ['column1', 'column2'],
                  var_name = 'new_key_column_name',
                  value_name = 'new_value_column_name')

      where id_vars is the column/set of columns that contain the ID, and value_vars are the columns that need to be merged.

    2. Pivoting Data: It's the opposite process of melting data. It can be used to change a column into multiple columns as follows:

      pd.pivot(   frame = df, 
                  index = 'index_column', 
                  columns = 'key_column',
                  values = 'value_column')    

      This would work just fine if we're dealing with perfect data, i.e. there are no duplicates. If there are duplicates though, then we would need to use the pivot_table() method in order to deal with them. It is done with one additional parameter, and with , as shown below

      df.pivot_table( index = 'index_column', 
                          columns = 'key_column',
                          values = 'value_column',
                          aggfunction = np.mean)  

      where we are telling Pandas to mean the duplicate numeric values using the aggfunction attribute.

      reset_index() method is used on the data frames that have been pivoted in order to flatten them2

    3. Concatenating Data: A list of dataframes can be passed to the pd.concat() function for concatenating data.

      The axis = 1 argument can be used for column wise concatenation.

      Note: We need to reset the index labels by passing the ignore_index=True argument to the pd.concat() function so that there are no duplicate indices in order to avoid using reset_index() method later.

  3. Merging Data

    We can use the Pandas equivalent of join to merge two dataframes as follows

    pd.merge(       left = left_df, right = right_df,
                    on = None, 
                    left_on = 'left_df_column_name', 
                    right_on = 'right_df_column_name')

    If the column name is same on both left and right dataframes, then only the on parameter can be specified in the function above and the other factors will be redundant.

    There are multiple kinds of merges that can happen in Pandas:

    1. One to One: Both the keys take a value only 1 time on both sides
    2. Many to One/ One to Many: This merge happens when there are more than one duplicates on either of the tables. In this case, the value from the other key will be duplicated to fill in the missing repition.
  4. Data Type Cleaning

    We can observe the datatypes of various columns by viewing the dtypes attribute of the dataframe that we want to check these details for.

    1. Converting Data Types: The data types can be converted using the astype() method of any column.
    2. Convert to categorical column: We would often want to convert the column type to a categorical variable, we can pass the 'category' argument to the astype() method of any column to convert it into a categorical column.
    3. Convert to Numeric: If there is a column that should be of numeric type but is not, because of mistreated data, or erroneous characters in the data, we can use the pd.to_numeric(df['column_name']) function and pass it the additional argument errors = 'coerce' in order to convert all that erroneous data to NaN with ease.
    4. Drop NA: If there are really few data points that have missing values in them, we can lose them with the dropna() method.
    5. Recode Missing Values: We can customize the missing values using the fillna('missing_value_placeholder') method of every data frame object and the columns.
    6. String Cleaning: The re library for regular expressions gives us a neat way to do string manipulations. We can formulate regular expression formalue like x = re.compile('\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'). This would create a new regex object called x which has a method match(). We can pass any string to this match() method to match it with our regular expression and it returns a boolean True if the string matches.
    7. Duplicate Data: There may be mulitple rows where redundant partial or complete row information is stored and these may be sorted out by using the drop_duplicates() methods of the data frame object.
  5. Vectorized Operations: Whenever possible, it is recommended to use vectorized computations rather than going for custom solutions.

    1. Operating on Strings: There are vectorized methods in the str attribute of every dataframe column that contains strings. These functions enable us to do quick vectorized transformations on the df.
    2. Map Method: There are often times when the str or other vectorized attributes will not be present. In such cases the map() method can be used for mapping operation succinctly.
  6. Assigning Index: We can designate a column, or any other Numpy array of the same length to be the index by assigning it to the df.index attribute.

    1. Index Name: Index by default, won't have name associated with it, but one can assign a name to the index by assigning it to the attribute The similar operation can be carried for assigning an index name to the column names using the attribute.
    2. Using Tuples as Index: Often we would need to set two or more columns as index (much like composite keys in SQL). This can be done using Tuples. They list of columns that we need to be set as the composite index of a dataframe can be passed to the set_index(["composite_key_column_1", "composite_key_column_2"]) to achieve this. It is called the MultiIndex.
    3. Sorting Index: If we are using a Multiindex as shown above, we can also use the sort_index() method to sort the index and display it in a more organized manner.

      This allows for fancy indexing, i.e. calling df.loc[(["index_1_low" : "index_1_high"], "index_2"), :] would select all the columns for rows that belong in the range provided for index_1 and all sub rows belonging to index_2.

      The slice() function must be used for slicing both indexes. 4. Stacking and Unstacking Index: We might want to remove some of the indexes from the multi level indexes to be columns. To do this, we use the method unstack() with the level="index_name_to_remove". This will give us a hierarchical data frame and this effect can be reversed using the stack() method in the same format. 5. Swapping Index Levels: The index levels can be swapped using the method swaplevel(0, 1) on any dataframe. This would essentially exchange the hierarchical arrangement of indices and running sort_index() right after it would do the rest.

  7. Aggregation/Reduction: The groupby() method is the Python equivalent of R's aggregate() method. It allows us to create virtual groups within the dataframe. It is usually chained together with other aggregation functions like sum(), count(), unique() etc. to produce meaningful results. We can use a typical grouping operation as follows:

    titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex'])['survived'].count()

    There is also the option of finding out multiple aggregation details on the grouped dataframe: 1. Multiple Aggregations: We can use titanic.groupby('pclass').agg(['mean', 'sum']) to compute multiple aggregation values at once. 2. Custom Aggregations: We can pass custom functions as arguments to agg() method that would take Series objects as inputs and produce results from them. When used, they would receive as inputs multiple Series objects (one for each group) and would produce grouped results like other functions. 3. Differnet Agg on Different Columns: We can pass a dictionary object to agg() method, as an argument, which would contain column names as keys and corresponding aggregation functions to apply as values. This allows us to compute different statistics for the same grouping of objects, upon different columns.

  8. Transformation: Transformation functions are used to transform one or more columns after they have been grouped and is usually chained after the groupby() method as transform(transformation_function). This transformation method passes the Series to transform_function() which could be a user defined function or a builtin one, which then returns a transformed series of a conforming size.

  9. Grouping and Filtering: We can use the dictionary object created by groupby() method to loop over and therefore filter only the rows of interest.
  10. Sorting: We can sort the values in any column by using the sort_values(ascending = False) method available for columns of all dataframe objects.
  11. Matrix Operations: Direct matrix operations will not work on Dataframes but pandas.core.frame.DataFrame object comes with an as_matrix() method available to each object for converting it readily into a Numpy 2D Array. This will only work for DataFrames with only numerical values though. There is a crucial difference between Numpy 2D Arrays and Pandas' DataFrames and that is, X[0] for a Numpy 2D Array returns the 0th row while accessing a DataFrame X[0] would return the 0th column of the DataFrame.
  12. Mathematical Operations: There are various mathematical operations available for our use.
    1. pct_change(): This method can used to detect percentage change over a particular column or aggregation values.
    2. add(): This method can be used to add two Series with corresponding row indices as a.add(b). This would add the series a and b. However, if there are non matching indices, i.e. an index in a does not have any corresponding index in b, then this could return an NaN value. We can change this by changing the default non existent value by passing the argument fill_value into the add() method. This method is chainable so more than one Series can be added in a single line.

Exploring Data

  1. Dimensions: The shape attribute of any DataFrame can be used to check the dimensions.
  2. Column Names: The columns attribute of a DataFrame returns the names of all the columns.
  3. Indices: The atrributes columns and index can be used to retrieve the columns' and rows' index of a DataFrame.
  4. Column Details: Much like the str function in R, info() method can be used over any pandas DataFrame object in order to retrieve meaningful insight on columns. It returns the name of the column and the number of Non Null values preent in the data column.
  5. Statistical Summary: Statistical summaries for pandas DataFrames can be quickly generated using the describe() method on any pandas DataFrame.
  6. Interquantile range (IQR): Quantile ranges are useful when exploring a dataset and it can easily be determined by using quantile() method of Pandas dataframes. For instance, pd_df.quantile([0.25, 0.75]) would return two values for each column in the dataset and half the data for those columns would lie between those two values.
  7. Range: The range can be calculated using the min() and max() methods on any DataFrame.
  8. Median: The median() method can be used for finding out the median of any given dataset.
  9. Standard deviation: The method std() can be used for finding out the standard deviation for any given column.
  10. Unique objects: Unique categories in any categorical column can be found using the unique() method.
  11. Frequency Count: The frequency of factors in a column containing factors by using the value_counts() method on that column. Optionally, we could specify the dropna argument to this method with a Boolean Value specifying whether or not to involve null values.
  12. Data Type: We can explore the data type for any column that we want to, by having a look at the values of the attribute dtypes for each column in data frame.
  13. Index of Max: The idxmax() and idxmin() methods allow us to find the row or column labels where the maximum or minimum values are located with the help of axis = 'columns' for the column labels, and these methods default to min() so we won't have to specify anything there.
  14. Indexes of Non NULL Values: One can get the indices of non null values by using the notnull() method available for Series objects in Pandas.

Time Series with Pandas

  1. Slicing on the basis of time: Interesting selections can be done on date time indices, using selection operators like pd_df.loc['2017-01-22':'2018-01-02'] to select the values for that 1 month.

  2. Reindexing: Any time series can be reindexed using the index of another time series by using the syntax time_s2.reindex(time_s1.index)

  3. Forward Filling of Null Values: Null values in a time series can be forward filled using time_series.reindex(new_index, method = "ffill")
  4. Resampling: There are two kinds of sampling that can be done with time series in Pandas dataframes:

    1. Downlsampling: Reduce datetimes to lower frequency, i.e. from daily to weekly etc.
    2. Upsampling: Increasing the times to higher frequency, i.e. from daily to hourly etc.

    There are multiple parameters that we can pass to resample() method for allowing us to derive quick statistics from a time series. For instance, pd_ts.resample('D').mean() would allow us to have daily averages of all numeric columns of the time series dataframe.

    Code Meaning
    min, T Minute
    H Hour
    D Day
    B Business Day
    W Week
    M Month
    Q Quarter
    Y Year

    Numeric values can be used as prefixes to the parameters above in order to increase or decrease the sampling size. For instance, 2W can be used for downsampling for 2 weeks in pd_ts.resample('2W').mean()

    The ffill() and bfill() methods can be used for filling in, rolling values as in pd_ts.resample('2H').ffill().

    Interpolation: It can be carried out as follows:


    This would resample and fill in the gaps between any two data points with NaN values. Then the interpolate() method would interpolate the values.

  5. Datetime Methods: These methods allow us to slice and select specific date time attributes from the data.

    1. Select hours: For instance pd_ts['date'].dt.hour would extract and return the hour where 0 is 12AM and 23 is 12PM.
    2. Timezone: We can define the timezone for a particular column by using pd_ts['date'].dt.tz_localize('US/Central'). On the other hand, easy conversions can be made, using the method tz_convert() that is specifically used for converting dates and times in one timezone to another.

Moving Averages

We can calculate moving averages, that allows us to focus on long term trends instead of being stuck in short term fluctuations. We do so by using the rolling() method as shown in time_series.rolling(window=24).mean() which would compute new values for each point but it will still be hourly data. This would instead set the value of that point as an average of trailing 24 datapoints, hence making it smoother.

for key in keys['order']:
  key_weight = keys['weights'][key] # Weight of the key
  key_data = keys['data'][key]
  if key_data['type'] == "singular":
    for section in key_data['order']: 
      section_weight = key_data['weights'][section]
      section_data = key_data['data'][section]

      for unit in section_data:
        user_df[key+'_'+section+'_'+unit] = user_data_raw[section_data[unit]['user']].notnull().astype(int)
